Sittin' in the sand.

Not much to work with here. :/ Sowwy.

Word Count → 507

Dixie walked along in the sand, surrounded by saplings and struggling shrubs. It was obvious that the salty ocean water and air was making it hard for them to grow, but they were pushing through, surviving. The girl liked that about plants, the fact that they could adapt and change and grow virtually anywhere, despite the conditions and the odds against them living. She took to sniffing at the plants as she moved by them, looking for the ones that Fern liked to snack on. Taking some back as treats for the mare would earn her trust and companionship points, therefore making it easier for her to be around the horse when she was foaling. Being able to get near the mare while she was birthing the baby would be important, just in case things went wrong and she needed some help.

Finally the minty sharp scent of the ferns carried to her nose and she stopped moving, casting a glance around at her surroundings before crouching and letting her body shift into her two legged form. Sniffing about a bit more, she located the shrub and knelt down, reaching in and snapping a few fronds off at the base until she had an armful. The large leaves smelled very good and the minty scent was rubbing into her fur as she moved to another bush and began to snap off those leaves as well. The area behind the beach was positively covered in these things; they were just sandwiched between and below other, larger plants. There wasn’t much grass on the beach, so the leaves and plants that she could find would have to be the horse food for a few days until they decided to pack up and leave again. Knowing Wayne, the girl knew that it wouldn’t be long before he got restless and needed to get on the road again.

Suddenly the scent of another canine hit her again and her head snapped up, light green eyes fixing on the large male as he walked closer. Dixie took a few steps back and crouched down a little, making her already tiny body seem even smaller. She knew that most creatures wouldn’t hurt someone smaller than them unless they were intent upon finding food or sex, which she was praying this man wasn’t searching for either. When he muttered his hello, she felt her ears drop and her tail tuck between her legs. His stutter made her sad, made her think about those few times she’d met pups who had been abused. Upon further inspection, she saw a few wounds riddling his body and her eyes widened.

The leaves fell from her arms and she took a few steps closer, standing up to her full height of a measly five feet. Ooh, you poor thang! How could anyone hurt a sweetheart like you? Her voice was soft and gentle, with a sweet southern twang to it. She shook her head and got closer still, moving slowly so as to not spook him.

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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