Character Name: Wisteria D'Angelo
Character Birthdate: October 30th, 2005
Gender: Female
Species: 50% C.lupus irremotus, 50% C.lupus tundrarum
Is your character a Luperci?: Yes.
Other 'Souls Characters: Sylvie Ciel and Miriette Morte Dre Soul. Sylvie's been killed off, and Miri I plan on picking up again after I get rolling and can get a second character slot. :3
How you found 'Souls?: Returning player, lol. <3
Are you joining a pack?: Salsola. :3
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: Mel played her joining ICly as an NPC... so I guess IC'ly.
Profile or three writing examples: Will an old thread of posts do? I've not the slightest idea how to embed anything. XD

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