You will know my name.
YESSSS that is my favorite Disney villain ever! Big Grin

He smelled of her home. Not her den site, but the smells that she always smelled when she was walking outside. Either his smell was intrinsically bound with the land or vice versa. Perhaps it was both. In any case, she trusted in the Family and she did not fear. Though she was wary, she was not afraid that he would cause her harm. Nonetheless, she did feel more comfortable when he lowered his body to be more level with her own body. It made them more at a level with one another. Her tail began to wag slightly, her head tilting to the side with curious, interested young intelligence.

As he spoke again, his words maintained that sugary taste. She could almost feel it on her tongue, rolling around in her mouth after he had finished talking. The young wolf liked the way that he talked. Previously she had a deeply rooted desire to sound like her father. As she listened, she began to feel that when she got older, she would like to pick up some of the saccharine qualities that the King's voice had. This was a voice of power and a voice of royalty. The sinister qualities to it just accented the sweetness that overlaid it. Ataxia felt herself liking both sides - the sweet and the dark. As the daughter of the Auxiliary, she already bore blood that gave her privilege. It would be up to her to show she deserved it, though, and to ultimately prove herself.

When he introduced himself, she dipped a bit lower and her ears flicked back. Her tail waggled so that her entire rump also moved from one side to the other in a display of the energy behind her enthusiasm. Ataxia had wanted to meet the King, though she didn't fully comprehend what it meant. "Sssssiriussssss." she mimicked, very pleased by the "s" sound on both ends of the name. Her teeth curved into a pretty little grin, though it was edged with something that seemed almost... dark? Perhaps that was a misstatement because she was not even aware yet of the difference between good and bad, darkness and light. But there was certainly something deeper to that smile than just the mindless amusement of a child. Somewhere, deep down, some of her personality traits began to break through. "Mama tol', unca. King." she replied, indicating she already knew who he was. "I Ataxia D'Angelo." sadly no "s" sounds in her name.


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