You will know my name.

Yes, he's my favourite too <3 Sorry for totally spree-posting you! >> 3+

She was an intelligent child. He could see it in the way she gazed back at him, with clear, quick eyes. Canny like her mother, perhaps - Maybe instinctive, like her father. Many often assumed Larkspur to be slow of wit, but the girl's father had a different sort of intelligence, one that was primal more than it was mental.

There was only one reason that Sirius had control over the massive mountain that was Larkspur D'Angelo. It had been decided between them - not verbally, but primitively, chemically - that the Revlis man was dominant. Something within the King's very blood made him a leader, a man that men followed. Many thought it to be his mind, a mechanism so fast and so complex that some said his genius bordered on madness. Such a sharply bladed intelligence was necessary, for Sirius was surely not the strongest of men, not the largest nor the fastest. He was a far better hunter than he was a fighter, and this was how it had always been.

The genius within him was constantly measuring the girl, storing her reactions, weighing her against everything he had experienced before. She would be new, unique, unlike any other creature on this forsaken land, and the prospect of this excited the greedy monarch. His volatile eyes, a color that sent shivers down the spines of many mortal creatures, watched her with the intensity that a crocodile watches the deer on the bank. Reptilian, but curious - Waiting to see what opportunities would be presented by this simple interaction.

She knew his name - he could tell by the way her ears flicked back submissively. Eris must have been preaching to her children, and the thought of this made amusement bubble warmly within his belly. The girl echoed his voice once more, hissing the start and end of his name in a bizarre way that made him think, briefly, of a serpent. What a glorious creature she could turn out to be! The girl smiled, a pretty little vixen smile full of sharp puppy teeth. The monarch recognized something within that grin, but it was gone before he could pinpoint the cause of familiarity. Unca. The corners of his black lips twitched upward in amusement. "Very good, little one," came the croon once more, bobtail wagging again, "Ataxia is a very powerful name. Your mother has chosen well" Deep tones oozed a charm so potent that there were very few who could refuse it.

Needle-thin pupils glanced at the death mouse, before flitting back to the girl's face. "What has mama told you about me, Ataxia? Do you know what a King is? Tell me, do," The words were half a request, half a command, as his large paws inched towards the girl, seeking to tug her little body closer to his deadly, but in this case docile, jaws. He wondered how many words she knew, or how much puppy-babbling he could decipher, but it was worthwhile spending a little more time in the girl's company. It was important to imprint himself on her now, while she was young and impressionable - That was how it had been with Salvia, and now he commanded the volatile youth like the dangerous weapon she was fast becoming, for surely none was better at mind-games than Sirius Revlis, Thistle King.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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