What we can endure
Shiloh looked down and away before letting Kavi take over. "Much like this. Hello Orin. I am Kavi. Shiloh tells me about you all the time," she said softly before bringing her emerald eyes up to Orin. She hoped Orin wasn't like Saxif and could handle her coming out. For a moment Kavi saw Saxif and her anger towards her and she tried to get up, tried to move away from the woman. She knew she was going to hurt her with her words much like Saxif and Kavi knew she couldn't handle another rejection. She whimpered and tried not to do or say anything that would lead to Orin hurting her. Kavi had been scared to come out even with Ayasha who had understood her and taken her in and loved her. "I mean you no harm Orin. I was made to protect Shiloh. She is so fragile and easily hurt by others words. She has gone so long without Saxif in her life she is slowly fading away. She hurts and I try to ease some of her pain. Shiloh stated that she was a monster because its how Saxif sees me. I am the monster living inside her mate but in retrospect I am her mate. She can't accept me there for can't accept Shiloh," she said, her voice cracking with the pain she felt. She wanted nothing more then to be seen as Ayasha saw her. She meant no harm to anyone.

As Orin told her she wasn't a monster and explained what a real monster was Kavi took the woman's hand in her own and held it. Orin had been raped too. She understood why Shiloh was so broken. They had both loss much in their lives but Kavi sympathized more because Orin had lost a child. Shiloh had been raped but hadn't gotten pregnant from it. Kavi knew a small part of Shiloh longed for a child and she still wondered if Saxif would have loved her if she had gotten pregnant with her rapists children. Shiloh had lost her virginity because of him and her craft, her arm too weak to carve anymore. Kavi saw Orin as someone that would love Shiloh despite Kavi being here with her and Kavi wanted to stay with the woman. She leaned forward and licked her cheek softly before rubbing her cheek against Orins. "Just so you know.... There is always someone here for you if you need me. Shiloh cares for you already and the two of you have just met. Don't do anything that might hurt her. She needs a friend like you," she whispered before letting Shiloh take over.

Shiloh was confused for a moment but she buried her face in Orin's neck and breathed her in. She smelled unique to Shiloh much like Saxif did but there was another wolf's scent on her. Someone else was with her. Shiloh pulled away and drew her ears back. She wanted Orin to herself. Orin was the only one who understood her and accepted her. She hurt so much..

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