skeleton crew

hey loverrrr. 3+

He could feel it coming again, the headache. They always started in the same way, as a strange and uncomfortable weight behind his eyes. He'd been getting them more frequently, of late, but after a recent fluctuation hadn't had any at all. The one building inside his head was sure to be more than just irritating when it bloomed into full pain.

For now, he was capable of ignoring the prickling sullenness that lingered behind acidic olive. Movement was unhindered by the bristly bear cloak he had left behind, but soon a chill would come down from the mountains, and he would be sure to wear it. The only thing the Boss wore from that day on the mountain were the scars across his chest, ragged and proud as they rose with each breath.

He walked with purpose amongst the foliage, seeking the well-hidden trail that led north, to where his Arbiter had build the stables. There was a certain peace about the movements of the man, for the Hunter had retreated to the back of his maniacal mind, leaving it blissfully blank. Occasionally, a stray thought would occur to him, and Sirius would ponder such things as his oncoming headache, as the little girl who voiced herself to be Ataxia D'Angelo, as the oncoming winter, as the golden-furred rival to the east.

It did not surprise him to find the mountainous man with the horses. He seemed to have a level of understanding with the dimwitted beasts - They obeyed Larkspur, and were generally easily handled by the giant man. Regardless, Sirius appraised him with curious, narrowed pupils, watching in unseen silence as the D'Angelo worked with his daughter's big black. It was a particular talent of his, to remain unseen - The shadows molded over brooding, handsome features and tall rangy body. One hand lifted so that tentative fingers could stroke thoughtfully at the dark tuft on his chin, before the Thistle King stepped out into the open.

He moved with the silence and carelessness of a man at perfect ease with his surroundings, but as with the horses, Larkspur seemed to have this calming effect on Sirius. Leaning absently against a wooden support of the fence, the Revlis man watched in silence a moment more, comfortable in the company of the much larger male. After a moment, he spoke: "A handsome animal," Dark tones were smooth, careful not to distract the beast from obeying his Arbiter. "Salvia's, is he not?" Those sharp eyes loitered on the ebony colt, a light frown proving the King to be deep in thought.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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