A love worth [P]rotecting
OCC: Shiloh is just as messed up. all this emotional wear on her has caused her to have a heart attack. She has become thin and weakly. She needs Saxif to be around if she is going to get better. We will see what happens. Maybe we should have a thread where Saxif is helping her walk. Date it two weeks from now?

As she lay in Saxif's arms Shiloh felt at ease for the first time since the beating. She could feel the rumble of her mate begging for forgiveness. The ache in her chest was slowly going away and she found the strength in herself to bring a hand up to her mates muzzle and lick her softly, before putting her nose to Saxif's like they used to. "I... forgive you... just...don't leave... me alone... I can't live without you," she was able to say though a horse throat. She shivered, a slight draft in the room. She snuggled down into Saxif, enjoying her touch and warmth. Too long she had wanted to be held and wasn't and now as she lay in Saxif's arms she almost let the darkness creep back in. Her heart still beat abnormally and she wondered if she was going to die from heartache. Saxif had come and lay with her. She still loved her. Shiloh started to cry and buried her face in Saxif's chest as she finally let go of the emotions that had been driving her crazy for a month if not longer.

I.. I thought you couldn't love me anymore. Kavi scared you away.... she was only protecting me. Oh how I cried for you at night. How I longed for you in the daylight hours. To see you... to hold you and love you like my heart tells me I do. We are soul mates.... my hea...heart and soul belong to you. I... have failed you Saxif... I wasn't strong enough to fight back. I am not strong enough.... You can't love me anymore. Kavi is a part of me. She has been protecting me while you were away...." she said softly as tears stained the fur around her eyes, leaving white streaks on her already paling fur. She knew she looked horrible and she gave Saxif one last lick before settling into Saxif's arms and drifting to sleep, too many emotions baring on her physically and spiritually. She was slowly becoming weaker and as she relaxed in Saxif's arms the wooden fox felt heavier in her hand and she wondered where that left her relationship with the only person she loved more then anything.

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