You will know my name.
It's no problem! I am loving Ataxia and it's nice to work out some of the kinks of taking on a new character. I would have been spree-replying if I hadn't been driving around after I posted last. XD

Her bright blue eyes would someday shift to a gold color that was common on her mother's side, but they would retain that same spark of interest. Ataxia was young but she was smart. Quick to learn and to remember, though the latter was still restricted by the limits of her age. It was doubtless that she would be of quick wit when she was older. For now, it was mostly just that she had sharp and bright eyes. She responded aptly and was a fast learner. When Eris told her something of great importance, she was unlikely to forget. Other things that were less important would be forgotten, she was only a pup after all. Sirius had been important, though, so what her mother had said about their King was imprinted in her brain quite firmly. In the end she was probably going to be a fantastic mix of Eris and Larkspur: swift to think and respond, but also very instinctive. It was why she sensed and liked the timbre of Sirius's voice, although she hadn't learned yet to be more careful of the darkness within it.

Her small pink tongue darted across her lips briefly and she realized that she had dropped the mouse. Though her lips still tasted it and her nose still smelled it close, it was lying limply on the ground close to her forepaws. It wasn't important, though. The dark D'Angelo was closely locked on what her King was saying. After all, for him to hold reign over her mother, he had to be powerful. Besides, he was her leader, and his presence alone made her want to follow him. Even at such a young age, she felt the urge to impress him. An instinct that drove her to lean down and grab the mouse. With deferentially lowered ears and a softly swaying tail, she moved to present the mouse to him. Lifting it up so that he could take it from her mouth. Either that or she could drop it by his paws. Either way, she offered him tribute. This instinctive respect for the Thistle King was likely inherited from Larkspur; she saw and felt his dominance. She did not contest it as she did her siblings. He was naturally Alpha.

She was proud that he thought her name powerful. Ataxia stood a little bit higher, her chest pushing outward to show her delight at this remark. She had believed that she would be powerful, too. One of her sisters had a name similar to hers, but it was not the same. It had an "s" sound in it, which she sometimes envied. Ataxia was a good name, though, a strong name. If Sirius said it was powerful, she believed it. Someday she would reach great heights and all of Salsola would know her name. Then she herself would have given the name its power.

The question caused her to pause to think. It was hard sometimes to remember the exact details of what she had been told. Sometimes, they were more feelings or expressions of words that explained what she knew. Her sisters would have understood and possibly her parents because they had been around young pups. Wanting to impress Sirius, she tried to draw up as much of the memory as she could. If he was actually moving to draw her in to him with his paws, she would not protest. Her trust in the Boss was absolute at this point. "Powerful, teach, lead Family. Fierce." at that, she bared her little teeth and made a growling noise to show ferocity. Noises to her often accented the words she was speaking. "Mama obey, she big big, King big bigger. Pack obey, naw big big, dey big little." that was how she interpreted position, in terms of small/large. Not in actual physical size but in some sort of something that made them bigger or smaller. Her father was big big, but he was not as big big as her mother. Sirius was even big bigger than that.


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