as wine is to friends

Word Count → 503 :: table template ©Sie

Bambi had done a mean thing. She had left her dear, old, kitty at home. She wasn't so much wanting to be alone, she just didn't want to deal with the cat at this time. Even though they had been traveling together for a long while.. Her attitude still got tiresome, some times. It wasn't like she would ever leave the cat alone permanently. "With her age, she probably couldn't take care of herself alone." She thought on that for a moment, wondering what the feline had done before she came around. Field mice seemed to be a common snack for the cat, and chances were that they could probably sustain her tiny stomach. "Who am I kidding? I'd never leave Nana."

She had come to think of Nana as a mother. Not.. Well, not a regular mother. Maybe a cat mother. Even though her lessons were harsh, and she was quick to judge others at times, she had still taken care of Bambi. The dog could still remember back to the days when she was naive- More naive then she was now, that is. "That's a harsh word. I just.. Didn't understand everything that other.. Normal animals seemed to be interested in." She stopped walking, feeling over the bark on a nearby tree with her humanized hands. "Still don't understand, I guess."

Bambi tugged on one end of her feather scarf, untying it from her neck. She clenched the object, then released- Watching as the poofed right back up again. She continued to do this for a while, trying to figure out why they never seemed to just stay flat until she finally became bored. Just as she was about to head off in the other direction, she heard something. The dog's floppy ears became erect, her attention now drawn to the idea of meeting someone new. "It sounds like.. Words." The dog started off towards the direction of the sound- Excited by the idea that it might be another creature, other then a canine, that knew how to speak. "Like Nana!"

The dog sighed upon seeing that it was just a wolf.. Less excited, but still amused. It seemed that he was carving. "And Nana said that I would be the only one with that skill. It's not useless!" She walked out into the opening, sitting Indian style not to far away from the male. He was pretty far within pack lands, and he his scent told her that he was most likely part of the pack. She waited for Nana to introduce her, then realized that her companion wasn't here. Slowly, the dog reached out her paw, palm up, towards the man. Those who knew her well, or could figure it out, would usually touch their palm to hers, then drag it away. This showed her that they accepted her company, and were friendly enough to accept her chat. She continued to hold her hand out for him, touching her other paw to her chest and whispering her name. "Bambi,"

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