meadow and the moon
As Leigha roughly scratched Archie's neck, she saw Vesper approaching from a distance. Sh soon got closer, almost in a stalking position, but the luperci knew she was just being cautious around her horse. She surpresses a chuckle; she had never seen any wolf act this way towards a horse. But she couldn't say anything, she had once been quite skittish around horses herself when she was younger. Vesper soon after had asked her what now. Archie whinnied softly, as if whispering. Leigha chuckled slightly.

"Just stand up taller. Archie says he thinks your either exhausted or just acting plain strange around him," Leigha said. Knowing the coywolf would get defenesive about what her horse had said, she add, "That's just what he thinks. Don't worry about that. He's pretty judgemental," Leigha explained with a chuckle. Archie then turned his head and looked straight at Vesper. His eyes burned with a passion for friendship with this strange half-wolf creature. He whinnied and pawed at the ground impatiently.

"Leigha, what did she say?" Archie asked, the only thing Vesper heard was neighing and whinnying.

"She hasn't said anything yet Arch. Just relax," Leigha commanded. She was speaking in a strange language that Leigha knew that Vesper probably didn't know. Archie snorted and pawed at the ground again, still looking at the coywolf.

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