Harmonious notes make mountains ring
This was a very strange post to write, I'll admit. XD
We'll kindle a Fire, A light 'neath the Moon & Sun

There was a moment or two under the greying sky that all she heard where the nickers of the horse, and the quorking of the raven. Neha did not need eyes to see that they, indeed all creatures, had personalities. It was no wonder how one species could understand and communicate with another, in her aging mind, they were all part of eachother in some way. Creation and existence was a beautiful and often self destructive cycle, but what mortal body dies becomes a spirit of the world, often reforming into creatures of the earth.

She listened carefully as Bran hopped along the blue roan's back, much to its disappointment, and hear the rattling of seeds. The dark bird stirred the air with his wings, cautiously approaching the male's proffered hand. 'Corn? Corn!' His sharp beak flew down to snap at the seeds, which wasn't at all the giant kettles of corn he was requesting. Regardless, the raven was not picky, and heard a rhythmic peck peck peck as he ate with reckless abandon.

The silence was a comfortable one, Nehalennia was used to it between meditating and listening to Her music. And then it was soon broken, yet the words were about Her all the same. The silver hybrid began to hum lightly as he spoke, as if he were chanting with his words. She was already convinced he had done work upon Her bountiful lands and wanted to share it with the world, as it should be. Nothing could ever be kept secret from the world, and if there were its answers would soon come to light, uprooted from the ground.

Her humming stopped but briefly to respond. "You are generous and kind, dear child, this I know." A nod, as if to confirm her thoughts. "This one would like to know the world the wild stallion has made for others," she said with assurance in her airy voice. Only when he chortled, though, did she grip her staff firmly to lightly whack in the man in the shoulder, enough for him to feel it, its length long enough to reach him despite her short stature and distance. Beads instantly rang into the air like a choir, as if already knowing what it must do.

When she withdrew it, she smiled up at him, showing old yellowed fangs. "That was adversity," she explained, as if she had done nothing wrong. "Adversity bringeth knowledge, and knowledge wisdom. That too, comes full circle." The smile remained, wisps of white hair waving softly between her ears. "There is no learning without sense," Neha continued, beginning to shuffle forward past the stallion and his creature towards the direction he came from, towards his world. All the while, she raised a finger from her free left hand into the air, without stopping or looking behind her. "And the stallion senses much, this I know."


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Table by Kiki!

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