as wine is to friends

Word Count → 617 Thank you! Lovi is quite cute, too. <33

The girl watched as he shyly placed his paw in her's. She couldn't help but be amazed by the little furry creature that stayed with him. "How could he chose to wait for him when he could be jumping and climbing from tree to tree?" Her eyes wandered to the raccoon's neck, looking for any sign of something like a collar.. Or anything that would restrain him. "Maybe he has just taken a liking to the sir.."

Bambi listened eagerly as the raccoon began to talk. She was obviously startled at first, as one could probably anticipate. After all, she had never seen a creature that wasn't of canine descent speak before.. "Other then Nana.. But she's a different story." A smile played at her lips, head tilted as the animal gave it's name. "Oct. Like.. October. I wonder if that's his full name. October.." It was kind of peculiar how she decided to pay more attention to his name.. Rather then trying to completely digest the idea that he could actually communicate with the two of them. "Why should it be so strange..? If everything has a soul, maybe we can all speak to each other, we just don't know it yet."

"New." She simply said, nodding to verify that he was correct. It was some what comforting to know that she was not the only new member.. "What luck that I could find another one." She flashed another smile, signaling that she wasn't trying to be rude.. Or that it wasn't that she didn't want to talk to him, she just had trouble doing so without fear. She eyed Oct a bit cautiously, trying to figure out if he was going to bite her, or if he just wanted to get familiarized with her scent. As she was looking over the beautiful little critter, she heard the male speak again. "Thank you."

Her confusion arose, along with her curiosity as the one called Loviere touched his leg. At first, she didn't really see anything wrong with it. It seemed that he could still walk on it.. Since he didn't really look like a hopper. But there was just something.. Different, about it. It seemed to be twisted. Kind of like a vine would wrap around a tree. "Or anything, really," She said silently, correcting her previous mental statement. "Maybe someone hurt him. On purpose. Maybe he was a slave, too! And, maybe, twisted legs were used as punishment." This instantly tugged on her string of sympathy- Causing her to immediately reach out, quite impulsively, to touch his paw that was smoothing down the fur on his crippled leg. It was a warm touch.. And she used her soft blue eyes to try and calm his worrying about it. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. She lifted the paw that was not in use to her ear, unfolding it to reveal the letter 'X' that had been burned into it so many years ago.

"It's a beautiful flaw, Loviere.. Were you a slave too?" The question was a bit personal.. "But we're here now, right? One shouldn't have to fear talking about it." Just in case, she brushed over her previous question. "Do you have a home yet..? Maybe you stay with me!" She hardly noticed the flaw in her speech. But once she did, the dog could only hope that Loviere didn't. She was to scared to correct herself, already having pushed her boundaries on speaking. "But.. I want to talk to him." Bambi broke the eye contact, looking down at the ground and blushing feverishly. Even if she hadn't said it aloud, the female was still surprised that she thought such a thing!

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