small mercies

He did not say anything after she had explained and she didn’t need him to. It was still obvious that he shared her relief. Anann could see it the way his face lightened and feel it in his body. She gave him a small, yet hopeful smile. Her unwanted pregnancy of another man’s progeny had been a heavy weight on the both of them. Freed from that burden Anann hoped that now she could reclaim the simple life that the two of them had known and shared before, but first she still needed to shed the chain bound around her neck. It had been a mark of the burden she had still carried and testiment to the claim of ownership that Keese had refused to forfeit. It’s weight, the weight of guilt on her heart that she had ever let such misfortunes befall on them and the betrayal of her body in giving life to the undeserving seed of that bastard. It was time to shed all these things and so it was eagerness that she had quickly shifted focus to the key.

Dislodged from her rudimentary embrace on Anatoliy, she quietly padded after him. Amber tail swayed behind her in a gentle wag as the Russian rummaged in a pocket of his spare shorts and produced the small key. Though he hesitated, asking if she was sure even when he had been reluctant to leave the chain bound when Vigilante had first brought them news of Keese’s death and the recovered key. Anann nodded, ”I’m sure.” A soft smile on her lips and those dark brown eyes appeared brighter than they had in moons. For the first time in what felt like an eternity she was once again free.

Besides the links of chain, there was also thin sheet of soft metal was also closed in the clasp of the lock. Resting nearly unnoticeable across the top of the lock. Scratched into the surface was a desperate man’s claim to a woman he could never hope to own and to the children that would never know life.

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