[m] I will never let you fall
OOC sup bitches? / +561!

They would lie together in silence for some time, Venom and Panda snuggled together, his hand on her dreads, petting then back like it was normal hair, and her with her head buried in the male's fluffy chest. She let a single whine escape her throat, letting him know that she was sad. Shhh... he told her, petting her hair still. It's okay Panda, my sweet little Panda Behr. It'll all be okay. Maybe it just wasn't our time, my luffily. he spoke to her, using the word she used to greet him, or to talk to him cutely, against her and he let a smile form on his maw. She did not look up at him, she just simply snuggled more into her lover's arms and she was silent. More silence fell over the two and they did not speak for some time. The one whom would break the silence was the girl, and she would speak something into Venom's chest, not meaning for it to be heard. Hm? the male asked, and panda shook her head in response, she didn't want him to hear what she had said. He disregarded it, even though his mind bugged him to know what it was that she had said to him.

The pelts in the doorway of her room had moved and her sensitive ears had told her that someone had joined them inside of the room. There was none that they knew that was allowed in the room like this, besides maybe the male she had mated with the last time, the other male whom had gotten her knocked up. Ouija. She hadn't told him about her condition, because she had not been so sure until they were gone. He didn't want to tell him either. She probably wouldn't because she didn't want him to be hurt like she was hurt. Venom could tell that she did not want to tell him about it, so maybe if he felt up to it he could talk to him in private and explain to him about what had happened. Panda moved from the male's chest and she peeked her head out from under the covers to see who it was. The look on her face was harsh for a moment before it softened because she realized that it was Ouija. He spoke about how he brought the pelts she had wanted, and she smiled to him softly. thank you Ouija. she spoke as she had crawled out of her bed and she moved towards Ouija and she took the pelts from his hands. I have another favor to ask of you... she spoke, and she looked at the male's gris-gris that hung around his neck. Ya' think you could make Venom and I some gris-gris? I think we might need it soon, for what's ahead of us both.. the woman asked of the male, pointing to his gris-gris pouch.

Venom had not been far to get out of the bed as well, for he wanted to greet the male as well. There were no signs of them being in the middle of anything though, for they weren't really. Venom took some of the pelts from Panda and put them on the bed. The others were still in Panda's hand. How are you Ouija? In good health? Venom asked to the larger, colorful male.

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