Another year with you

Finally, everything was ready. Kansas stood in the room among his packmates, a bit off to the side since he didn't know many of them. He was so excited to see Naniko's face when she walked into the room and it registered what they were all doing there. The room was lavishly decorated; Kansas was so happy with Conri for coming up with this idea. He wanted to see Naniko smile without worry behind her eyes. He was antsy, drumming his fingers against his thigh as Conri left to look for his mate.

Kansas loved her. He still didn't know how he loved her - as a sister, a friend, or... something else. The last was wrong on so many levels; he didn't know for sure because he wasn't sure he wanted to know. Today was for her, not for him. He needed to think about how grateful he was that she'd been born instead of thinking of himself as he did most of the time. Her gift was tucked into his bag, safe inside a book. It was a bookmark of pressed summer flowers protected by stiff, sticky translucent paper he'd found while rummaging through the house one day. He couldn't wait to see if she liked it.


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