the natural flower of duty

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kiki; Yeah, she most likely would have since that is her name for all wolves; 334 words
Symera Villisca
and the rat's in the cradle

Yes, she was learning and slowly growing. She had gained some size but was still stunted in regards to others of her age. But even being slight in frame did nothing to hinder her. At least not in her mind. She had quite the sassy little mouth on her for being at a disadvantage. One could never say that she lacked spunk. While she might not have found her niche within the clan just yet she did at least have spirit to spare. She her the determination to prove herself in one fashion or another.

Actually only wolves earned the title of stinky from her. She knew nothing about hybridization or other canine species. Her world was still black and white, it was either a coyote or a wolf and nothing else. It was either good or evil, no shades of grey in the mix at all. The girl gave a firm shake of her head as she was corrected, not feeling that she even needed to be corrected. "No, stinky. It does not deserve a name." She knew what they were but she refused to give them that recognition because of her strong feelings of disgust. In her mind it was stripping away everything from them. She didn't give them a gender, names, a species, or any level of personalization. To her all wolves were the same and the only good wolf was a dead wolf.

"I did. I tried to get rid of it but it got away." Actually it wasn't Cypress that she had referred to, his mixed breeding having thrown her off since she didn't know what to make of the scent. To her Cypress had smelled like other members of Inferni, just a mix of species. If he hadn't told her that he didn't belong then she wouldn't have known the difference. No, she was talking about a pup that smelled distinctly like a wolf to her. A pup that had been adopted as a member of the clan.

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