nothing ever happens by itself

361(+2) :: Claudius is too XD hehe, i'm trying to find my muse again :S but luckly my job here is done *goes back to doing homework*

The girl had indeed felt the light brush of Claudius' hand with hers, but didn't really pay much attention to that, neither to his embarrassment. She was rather focused on the image of his eyes. She had seen blue eyes before, but his looked particulary beautiful. Maybe because of the things that he had had to endure? she didn't know.

"All right. You can have both then!" She said with a chirpy voice, breaking her train of thoughts as she did so. She was just having some tea. It wasn't the big thing, even though she really enjoyed having a good time with a fellow packmate. It made things appear easier (even though the tense atmosphere out there screamed otherwise). The earthen colored female joined her hands to mix both herbs, grabbed half of the new infusion with her fingers and poured it in both of the bows, then pushing Claudius' a bit further in his direction. "There you go! Just try not to drink it too fast for it will burn your tongue." Her hands grabbed her own bowl-cup with caution, making sure that the steaming liquid didn't spill on her fingers. The herbs were already staining the liquid yellow, slowly releasing a delicious smell. Luna stirred the container slightly, making the aromatic herbs release even more colour on the water. It was almost ready. She neared the rim to her dark lips with impatience, eager to taste the new creation. And as soon as a sip of the hot liquid poured inside her mouth, she found herself actually enjoying the drink. The flavour was now softer, more calming, with a bitter yet enjoyable sensation lingered for a bit longer as she lowered the cup. A smile made its way to her face.

"Guess what." She announced, eyeing the artisian and then the stemy liquid before her. "You've created a new infusion." Even though she remained sitting, the excitement held in her voice resembled that of a child's who has discovered how to hunt animals by itself. Only that the discovery wasn't hers. Eyeing the male once more, she stared straight at his face. "What do you think of it?"

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

table by lin
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