aint no talkin to this man
She stroked his fur tenderly as he laid there, his head on her chest. His insecure sounding question made her smile slightly. Of course I can teach you to read, mo chroi. I'm talented like that. I would have taught your father too if he would have let me. I taught Deirdre how to read pretty well, i think. And I was teaching Shadow too. All the boys knew about Shadow, knew why to stay away from Coyotes. It was what they'd been reared on.

Reading is simple. There are letters that all make ceratin sounds. First you learn those letters and their sounds. And then when you know the letters, you start to put them together. here, let me show you. She gently moved him, reaching into her pack for a blank notebook and pencil. She wrote something in a bold simple hand. J-A-Z-P-E-R. Jazper. Your name. She gave him a smile, showing him the paper.

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