We were young and innocent... once upon a time
Always my dear Tongue

Her laughter was loud and barked at his comments and gestures, such was the way thier relationship worked. It may be impossible for outsiders to understand their connection and fully grasp its extent and true nature. She performed the customary ritual of attempting to escape his drooling tongue and ultimately failing in her attempt, her squeal of disgust and once again swatting ashen paw consummating her reaction. He mirrored closely a curious puppy as he tilted his head to the side as she spoke; any other that looked into her eyes like he did with the exception of Temo would have received a sharp rebuke and some dominance posing as was needed by her wolfen and doggish blood.

But Keys was no threat to her position, no challenge to her authority and as much as he stared at her she stared right on back, he may be almost but not quite co-leader of a whole pack and she may be Prestiged in her ranking and higher than all but the leaders, but within thier hearts and minds they were still but children with no real thought to rankings and dominance and who bossed who around, such was the way their relationship functioned. Her grin of amusement was large, he thought her dangerous? Her knowledge of poisons and knife play was extensive and well known within her own mind but never before had she looked upon herself as dangerous. Argul's death had been necessary, although her torture and consummation of him whilst fitting at the time now seemed odd to her.

She nodded her acceptance of his refusal to teach her the workings and forms of swordsmanship and she agreed. Swords were large and cumbersome unlike her knives which were light and easily carried. Friendly mocking filled her voice and face as she spoke again,

"Aww, is the big and bad Key afraid of a tiny specimen of a female like me? Tsk, tsk and here I thought you were a brave warrior."

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