Wheels Start Turning

Io's comment about gentlemanly persona pulled a short sharp laugh from him, he did like her rough sense of purpose and straight forwards attitude, it was refreshing from having to play nicey nice with the Raven Guardians all the time when all he wanted to do was gut them like a string of fish with his sword. He looked from female to female as they both tried to foist the telling of what it was they wanted onto each other before finally the golden 'yote gave in to her demanding mate's convincing. It was rather amusing and his mouth twisted upwards into a small smile.

But what she said next was not something he would have ever in his life expected and white eyes widened considerably, for a moment speechlessness overcame him and he stared at the two with his mouth set into a grim line. The wanted children? They wanted his children? Dumbfoundment didn't even come close to describe what he was feeling. Unbeknown to the adults, a child sat in the bushes observing them had clapped a hand over her own mouth to muffle the sound of her gasp.

"Thees es unexpected but why me? Are there not any other large males that you could go to for help?" He couldn't understand why they would trek all the way down to AniWaya from Anathema just to ask this of him, he really did not. It was on the verge of his tongue to simply outright say no, that the child he had was all he wanted but inside his soul he knew he would be lying. Analise was his life and his pride but he could truly say he wanted to have more, to look after them and watch them grown like he had done with Kailypso's daughter, the woman who held his heart forever.

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