You are just saying you are white now! :U
[/html]The last thing he had expected was laughter. He knew he hadn't said anything funny, unless introducing oneself first was somehow humorous in these parts, so he just sat quietly and waited out her chuckles. Thankfully, they were neither long nor particularly painful to listen to, so Turnstone was able to respond with a small, gentle smile of his own. When she introduced herself, still trying to calm her bubbling laughter, Turnstone inclined his head slowly in response. He watched as she drew her hand across her chest and rested it lightly in the middle, touching her collarbone with her fingertips. He glanced back up to her maw when she spoke again. Again, he nodded; but this time, it was a quicker motion. His one ear flicked forward slightly at the sound of her voice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, miss. I only just joined a little while ago so I'm pretty new, yeah," he explained easily. If anything, her laughter was a good shock to wake him up a bit. Since he wasn't being laughed at it didn't perturb him too much. Besides, this girl didn't seem to be at all malicious and he couldn't detect any ill-will. [html]

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