Will tomorrow know?
[html] Ah, she did want to play. Well, Cercelee wasn't the only one who could act. Slay feigned a hurt expression until she nudged him on the shoulder, and he flashed a brief grin back to let her know he wasn't really as tired as he let on. Now the fun could begin! His white-tipped ears laid flat in mock annoyance, and he plopped abruptly on his haunches, pouting like a stubborn mule. "Today's menu... is grass," he deadpanned, pale eyes sweeping up to challenge Cer. "Grass for breakfast, hay for lunch. Maybe some clover if you want a snack. And you can eat tree bark for supper, cuz I'm not hunting anything until I get my beauty sleep."

He couldn't help the smirk that was edging its way onto his muzzle, nor could he hide the light of amusement shining in his eyes. He felt more free than he had in some time, and this was the perfect way to celebrate.


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