rusted razor blades
Slay felt his grin broaden as she made reference to the Arthurian legend. It was a tale he was familiar with through his travels, and it pleased him that Iskata knew of it as well. "So, I'm to be Lancelot, am I? And will you be my Guinevere, o beautiful golden-haired one, or have I yet to win you over with my gallant deeds?" He caught himself admiring the jaunty way she walked, with such confidence and playfulness. Was she always so vivacious, or was it simply because they were acting out roles with each other? Either way, she really had caught his attention, and he needed to take care not to fall too far... It had happened before, when his feelings became genuine, and his object of affection was still merely jesting. There had been Whisper, Tia, Ami, Tenova; none from this land but all beautiful faces who had trampled him in the end. Alas, love was a harsh and cruel mistress...

"The king will say nothing of what he does not know," Slay drawled teasingly, trying not to shiver as Iskata fluttered her long eyelashes at him. He liked that. The piebald arctic wolf nudged her with his wet nose as she caught up to him, smiling enticingly before padding ahead again. "Although," he called over one shoulder, waving his ebony tail like a banner, "-if yon lady were to promise her heart to this champion, he could surely find the strength to defeat said king in combat!"

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