I'll be your Fairytail
The music was a salve for her soul, soothing her into relaxation and comfort as she danced minutes away with Shawchert. She stayed on his feet because he let her, holding him close and resting against him as they danced. The two moved perfectly in time, hardly any clumsiness coming about even though she was standing on his feet. It was like the little cloudy wolf and the tall motley man were one and the same.

Orin didn't even notice when the music stopped, or if she did she didn't show it. Her eyes were closed now, and she let him rule her movements. It was so nice to let someone be in control, even in this small way. After so long of trying to hold herself together, of trying to watch out for her children and for herself, and now for her pack, it was nice to be able to let go. But even more importantly, the best part was that she trusted Shawchert enough to let him take the reigns.

Her eyelids parted slowly, and she peered through blurry half-lidded eyes at the pool as thousands of stars glittered in its mirror-like surface. It slowly moved away from her as the couple turned, and she watched it go with fondness, and then her heart delighted as they completed their circle and the pool came back. That was when she realized... “You stopped playing.” It was just a statement, she wasn't upset, more surprised than anything. She didn't even know how long it had been since the man had completed his song... it didn't matter, it was like the music wasn't over between them at all.

Finally she straightened up, taking her weight off of him and stepping down from his toes. “So what kind of grub did you bring me?” She inhaled deeply, and even to the nose-blind woman the proximity of the food made her senses tingle. “I didn't realize it before, but I think I'm starved.”


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