What we can endure
Of course she had a man's scent on her, everyone knew she lived with Shawchert. She was confused for a moment, nearly being a nose blind woman herself, unknowing what exactly Shiloh was talking about. She glanced down at herself as though she could see something wrong with her, and then turned a confused look back to Shiloh. She nodded slowly, unsure. “Yeah... Is it Shawchert? I live in the treetop terrace with him. We're raising our daughters there.” Who else could it be, she wondered. She couldn't remember working closely enough with any other males lately, at least not in a way that would put their scent on her coat. Then again, she was a pack wolf, and moments of friendly greetings were not unheard of. It could be anybody. Was there someone in particular that had made Shiloh upset? Maybe someone who had been less than gracious to her when she and Saxif first sought refuge in d'Arte?

While she puzzled it all out, Shiloh struggled to her feet and moved away from her. Orin just watched her go, not sure exactly what was happening. With Shiloh's back to her she had no way of knowing that Kavi was secretly speaking to her; and Orin might not even know Shiloh well enough yet to detect it anyway – if such a thing was even possible. Orin watched the woman as she was swallowed by the shadows that mottled the bookcases. “Shiloh I'm sorry... I... did I do something?” She started to ask, not wholly sure what she was apologizing for but wanting to fix it anyway.

Then suddenly the woman turned and, with a speed Orin didn't know was possible for the injured Luperci, was suddenly up against her. She gazed up into her eyes in surprise, another gasp escaping her. At first she didn't know Kavi had taken over again, and wouldn't have known had the woman not spoken of Shiloh.

“Shi... Kavi,” she stammered, trying to find the right name. Her heart fluttered in her chest, suddenly alive with a strange excitement. Still, she didn't understand what was happening, and when the woman started to kiss her she was slow on the uptake. She responded enthusiastically to the affection... at first, anyway... before realizing that it was going a little farther than typical inter-pack expressions. She tried to lean back, raising her hands to gently push Kavi back.

“Wait, stop,” her voice was soft, careful. She didn't want to reject the despairing woman or her counterpart, but once she realized what was happening she couldn't let it go on... even if some quiet part of her wanted to. Her heart still tripped, and she wasn't entirely sure it was because she'd been taken off guard. “Kavi, hold on. Think about this for a minute.” She set her small hands on Kavi's shoulders, staring into her eyes, her own amber gaze glistening in the half-light. “We've just met. And I'm... um...” Different? Normal? Not like you? None of those were right. “I'm seeing someone, and so are you... er... so is Shiloh. This is...” Weird? Wrong? No. “...too fast. Think about Shiloh, think about yourself. You want to protect her, and that's what I want too.” How the hell do you reject someone? Especially another woman? Another woman who you might not wholly want to reject... “We've been through a lot of the same things. I see you, and you see me. I can't even describe how amazing that feels! But this... we can't jump into what you're asking. We barely know each other. I have daughters, and a...” Well, he wasn't her mate. “And I live with their father.”


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