What we can endure
Kavi pulled away from Orin as she explained herself. The way she felt against her.... She whimpered at the thought of someone else touching her, loving her. She shouldn't have acted so irrationally, it was not like her to jump without some forethought but Shiloh had pushed her into wanting Orin more with her arguing. She looked down at Orins small un-scared hands and looked down at her own scarred pink ones. She understood her. Orin could see her and Shiloh and still touch them without cringing. She didn't judge her and as she listened to Orin explain that 1. they were going to fast and 2. Shiloh still loved Saxif and 3. Orin was living with her daughters father. How in the hell was she going to get Orin to see she would be there for her?

"We can take this slower if you want Orin. Or if this really bothers you tell me to leave and I will. Shiloh will not remember what just happened. As for your family.... Shiloh has always wanted one. She could would take good care of them as would I. Shawchert and Saxif are not a problem if you really want me. I need this understanding and trust and care from someone Orin. You are the only one who truly understands why I am here in the first place. But these... feelings are real. This right here is real," she whispered huskily to her before nipping at Orin's neck and growling a bit. Something about this woman made her feel alive and Kavi loved the acceptance Orin gave her along with the affection she craved. Why couldn't she have her?

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