nec spe, nec metu
Good time to end this? And sorry I know my table was hard to read, but I like to make people work for my posts XD

Cercelee was surprised at Laruku’s answer, having asked the question with his answer already in her mind. Cercelee had grown use to Laruku’s distance towards her, and everyone, and his apathy. She had found comfort in it, and while she would not mind if he did care for her or anyone else, she did not admonish him for not caring. The young wolf did not question why he was the way he was, or why he did not try harder. She did not mind he had not searched out for the scattered Clouded Tears members to see who lived and died. She did not share Iskata’s opinion that Laruku had to involve himself in that family that beckoned them both. What Laruku did or thought or felt was his own business, and none of it affected how Cercelee felt towards the male, she did not expect anything from this male. All the same, she had been expecting an answer quite opposite, and was surprised at him.

Even more unnerving was the look he gave her. Cercelee could not remember him looking so directly at her ever in her life. He had looked on her with something akin to sympathy and pity when she was an orphaned child, and ever since then his eyes had not found her own. And never had they seemed so honest. Cercelee felt it in his voice and in the stare he gave her, his words were a warning of sort, and one that she didn’t particularly want. If she didn’t hear it out loud, than she could go on pretending that being alone and being anyone but herself for the rest of the world was fine. She could keep wearing whatever mask she chose and being whatever type of person she felt she wished to be when she awoke, with no commitment to anyone or anything, least of all herself. Laruku was forcing her to admit to herself that it wasn’t, when she had been looking for reassurance that it was.

Breaking the eye contact, her navy eyes looked back to the dirt, her gaze fixed where she felt it belonged. Her voice took on the tone it had held when first arriving, fixed and controlled, casual and nonchalant. As if they hadn’t just discussed anything other than the weather. “Ah, well Laruku. I’m glad we’ve had this chance to speak, but I feel that perhaps I should be returning to my pack. After all, what good as a leader am I if I am not there to lead?” Cercelee bowed her head to the male and turned swiftly, knowing that Laruku knew just as well as she what she was running from.


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