Pitter Patter Splish Splash

Table & Coding © Hickey; 310 words


"Why no? It easy." He continued to insist, unsure as to why the other wouldn't do as Bastion had suggested. It was the other male's luck that Basti was continually being distracted by the creature and so he wasn't throwing a tantrum for not being listened to. After all the small male could quite easily pull rank since he was higher and the other male hadn't made it into the respected family yet. Denver still had to prove himself and how better to do that than to follow the instructions of someone among the highest ranks within the pack. After all he was just under the leaders and had been given quite a bit of leeway to do whatever it was that he wished.

Though he wasn't about to force Denver to actually touch the turtle he seemed insistent upon getting the other involved. That was simply what he got for announcing his presence while Basti was set upon playing his games. And well, the young boy knew he wouldn't be able to do this on his own. He knew that he would be unable to distract the creature and dig it out of its shell at the same time. So like it or not Bastion was determined on getting Denver involved.

"You feed. I get." The way the words were given it was clear that he wasn't about to leave any room for argument. Bastion held out his stick for the other canine to take, clearly expecting his words to be followed. If Denver didn't want to touch the turtle himself then he would have to make certain that he kept it distracted instead. After all Bastion wouldn't be none too pleased should he get bitten because the other couldn't keep the turtle's attention on him, especially since Bastion was being so lenient and willing to switch up roles.


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