We're going' at it tonight

OC: Oh I didn't draw it. I bought it off of Nat. Only thing I did was use my swagbuck account to earn the points to cash in for a paypal gift card. Glad you like it. WC:4+

The male couldn’t help but to laugh when the female stood there with a lost look to her, however he knew it wasn’t a bad thing with she had a smile upon her face. It warmed his heart to see her so happy. The female jumped into his arms, and he seen what was going to happen, but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to try to hold her, even though he was only on the one knee. Shaking his head looking at her”No no no….” He wanted to be able to stand, but it was too late she was in his arms and he was on his back, he would get her back for that, and with a playful nip he promised a payback to her. Putting on a playful smile trying to doge her nips and lick laughing the male gave a deep whine frowning. Better then meting?” He gave a weak grin, and then shifted his face back down to a sad face, it didn’t last for long before he started laughing, he knew what she meant, but he felt he had the right to poke at her and twist her words some. With a soft sigh he licked her maw, looking at her, with a nod. ”Glad.” Yes she was his officially his, this was his first time officially having a mate, he had come close more than once but never ever got to that point.

Feeling her get up he sat up shifting around, it was nice cuddling with her, and frankly he couldn’t wait to do that more since now they where mates, he was going to ask her to move in, he would offer her, her own room but truthful he hoped she would stay in his room with Amzi. She offered up a gift, the male stood up wrapping his hand around her’s with a warm smile”Over our bed?” He questioned her. He knew what he was asking for her to come and live with him and sleep in the room that he slept in and in the bed that he slept in.

He could see that fear in her eyes again, something was spooking her. The male nipped at her cheek softly nuzzling her. ”Amzi, cat?” The male was seeing if that was what was bothering her, as just as soon as he said out the name the feline came bouncing out of the house, stopping and glaring at the female that was in Noah’s hands. Noah shook his head and chuckled. ”I’m her’s” He joked but he knew that the feline did not find it funny what so ever.


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