hidden and found
The scent led her from the caverns, to a beach. Salt and seaspray soon erased the smell of the thief, but that didn't matter. She could see someone on the beach.

She could remember passing by - or perhaps glancing at - the beach when she first arrived at Inferni and Enkiel led her to their leader. Rocks and stones seemed to block her way, making her trip. The coywolf picked herself up and sighed. She had clearly lost the stealth advantage. She brushed bits of grainy sand out of her fur, then checked to make sure her bow hadn't broken during the tumble.

More carefully now, she moved closer to the sitting figure. From what Alma could tell, she appeared to be smaller than her, with younger features. Was she a mischevious child playing a prank? "Have you seen my spear?" The coywolf knew that she had, for she could see something resting on her lap that looked suspiciously like her spear. Perhaps the kid had one that happened to look just like her spear, but - it was too coincidental.

On one paw, Alma didn't want to alienate her new pack by beating up a child over a spear (the idea of being attacked with her own spear hadn't even occurred to her) - on the other, she was prepared to chase her if she started to run. Her fur stood tense as she waited for a response.

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