A knife in the dark [AW]

Big Grin

Faeli whirled around abruptly, her eyes wide, her senses alert in fear. Her nose twitched as she saw a shadowy form emerge from the trees. As soon as the stranger stepped into the light, however, Faeli saw that it, in fact, was a Luperci in its Optime form. Not that the simple fact of knowing that the stranger was a luperci calmed her. Faeli closed her eyes and focused on scent. A strong scent of the already familiar Crimson Dreams wafted to her nose, causing her to instantly sllump to the ground in a weary lump of flesh and bones.

“I assume that you guessed of my newness because of my skittish antics?” Faeli felt a small laugh creep into her voice as she renewed the idea of her own stupidity. She was within the Crimson Dreams pack borders - it wasn't as if a random horde of evil wolves would come bursting through the woodlands at any moment. At least, not as far as she was concerned.

Faeli quickly leaned down and licked her ruffled pelt, shortly after she uttered her form of welcome to the luperci. Perhaps a quick clean would make her look more official. Perhaps the stranger hadn't noticed her unmistakable tiredness, her willingness to collapse on the spot and take a good, solid nap.

Image courtesy of mandj98@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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