What we can endure
“Well... I guess...” She stopped. What was she about to say? She didn't know. It couldn't have been, we can take it slow. She didn't want to reject the woman – either woman – but there was no way she could ease this situation with a mild promise. For one, that just avoided the situation for now. For two, what was it she was going to promise her? [I]'Sure, we'll see where this takes us?'[/b] She couldn't say that. She was involved... and she had never loved a woman before, she didn't know if she even could. In the short time they had known each other a profound fondness had blossomed for Shiloh and Kavi, the women had been through such similar tragedies, and it was amazing to see that someone had lived through what she herself had survived, but she couldn't just make wild commitments because of that.

“No, I can't,” she cringed even as she spoke the words. She didn't want to see the hurt in Kavi's eyes. Could Shiloh hear her too? Did she think she was being rejected? How could this be happening just minutes after she'd promised never to hurt her. “I can't make any promises like that. My life is... complicated...” – and boy did it just get worse – “...and I don't know how to just 'take it slow.' We can be friends, I'd love to be with you and Shiloh. There's plenty we can do together here and I can help you during your healing but I can't make that kind of a promise.”

Kavi kept nuzzling her, kept nipping at her, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't fully convince herself that she didn't like it. Still, she had to put a stop to it. She already felt bad for hurting them, and if she let her keep going she might give the woman false hope. She took a step back, “Please, stop.” She held her hands up, palms out as she appealed to Kavi for understanding. “I don't want to hurt you.”


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