Everything That I Do Is Never As Good As You.

Umbra confirmed that the shape shifters were indeed awful, and Adelaida shuddered. Although she hadn’t come across a two legged creature like the monsters he was describing, what if she had come across one of them unshifted? Iskata, for instance. The female had seemed nice enough, despite her adamant defending of the coyotes. It was unnerving to know that they could walk about like normal wolves and yet, they weren’t normal wolves at all. "Don’t apologize." Umbra had gotten worked up about the issue, but Adelaida liked that about him. This male seemed sincere, and it helped her to know that he was being honest. The cream colored wolf with the chocolate boots and mask was not a trusting wolf, but Umbra seemed like the kind of wolf that maybe she could trust. Just maybe. Of course, she didn’t know all that much about him at all, so who was she to say? It was just a feeling. "And you? Did you come over the mountains with the rest of them?" She spoke more calmly now, although she was still spooked by Umbra’s description of the strange creatures, they weren’t here now, and she could relax, a little at least.


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