lick it up baby, lick it up

OOC: I hope you two ladies don't mind one of thoughts " delights" poping in. I think it'd be interesting to see how Tully reacts to a pup a month away from being an adult and if duece is still around, after her exit, we shall talk Big Grin

IC: Jazper had just returned to the house after one of his morning walks through the woods. As he walked into the kitchen he sighed, there seemed to be a comotion upstairs, Duece being part of it with ...another female? The voice was unfamiliar and it worried the male. He quickly started up the stairs, tripping as he went. He silently swore, why were stairs so hard for the average wolf to climb. He silently could not wait until he was 9 months old, then he would be able to start walking around on two legs like his mother and father.

He turned towards the door and was nearly run over by Duece's exit, "sorry mum." He mummbled as she stomped away. He returned his gaze back to the washroom where the source of the unfamiliar voice now stood. She was a very pretty chocolate coloured wolf. The dark pelted male thought about his own apearance. He was abit sweaty from his run but, in general he looked relativly good. He was looking more and more like Lucifer, his adopted father, every day. His black coat was shiny and mid length, and he was fully grown being only a month away from adulthood and his body was growing ever fermer in maturing muscles from the constant hunting. He was secretly trainging to be a hunter along side his father. "Hello." Was all that he could say and he looked at the she-wolf in curiousity.

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