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I'm heading out of town for a few days, I'm going to OOC accept you for now so you can go ahead and get started posting, but I'll also keep up with this thread even while I'm away :]

It seemed as if he did have something in his past, then, from what he had told her. Naniko wasn't sure what to expect from the male in general, but to her it seemed as if he had many skills and would make a good asset to the pack. His willingness in general was something of a wonder to her, the fact that he would do so much to prove to her that he belonged in her pack. Naniko appreciated this; one willing to go to such lengths would likely continue to please her even after being accepted into the ranks. She considered the rank tiers for a moment, wondering where he would fit in. There was the craftsman tier for him, as well as the warrior one. He could choose whichever he wanted, once he became a full member of the pack.

"Thank you - you have eased my worries about outsiders coming to look for you and cause trouble. I believe you, Rain. I take the safety of my pack very seriously...and I can see that you do to, with your open honesty. I would be glad to have you in my pack, especially with that skill set. I can already see ways in which you could make yourself useful." She stated, nodding. She also approved of his signs of submission, tail flicking slightly behind her. "However, there's one final step to this process." Naniko reached for her ornately decorated dagger, pulling it from its sheath. "I need to perform the rite of Agares, to make a small cut on your paw and on my own...and join them together. That will join you to the pack, Rain, in blood. Do you accept?" She said it simply, as if it were a normal question that anyone might ask.

Table by Jenny!

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