Don't feel bad, it can be be much worse.
473(+2) :: Sorry sorry for the delay!! D: But i'm here already XD

The masked she wolf kept her urge of laughing at the top of her lungs and clapping her hands as she followed Liliana towards some kind of paddock behind some of the stalls. The healer headed towards one of the stalls to take out the horse that they would be using for their session, and meanwhile, the earthen-colored female looked at the pups, how they reacted when the mother allowed them into the fenced area. They looked ecstatic, yet they remained in a safe corner of the paddock, probably to allow the elders to do their thing. Luna smiled. What a lovely pair of pups.

Her eyes traveled by the playful youth to the hybrid, who was already leading the brute they would work with towards the center of the small area. Luna neared the pair with a big smile showing part of her white teeth, now also because of the news of the newborn resting in 'Strawberry's' stall. Maybe she could ask Liliana to show it to her later. Meanwhile, she focused on the mare before her. Padded hands extended towards the massive body of the equine to warn her about her presence. "Hello Strawberry" Her voice was also soothing, so the horse also knew her by it. Her touch was soft on the animal's pelt as she listened to the black hued woman's instructions, and her words made her feel a bit more nervous. She was going to ride without a saddle? those things were made to make riding more confortable, or at least that was what she knew. Her knowledge on that was very limited, fed only by the information that León had provided her.

However, she followed her instructions, but was slightly taken aback when she mentioned pulling the animal's mane. "A-are you sure that it won't hurt her?" she said as she grasped a tuff of hair from the mane, pulling it lightly, as if to prove Liliana's point. The mare stepped one leg aside, but there was no reaction of pain, so Luna felt confident enough to pull the main a bit harder to propel herself over the beast, at the beginning having some trouble to pass her leg over the animal's body, but in the end managing to do so without falling. The new weight put on her back made the mare move a bit aside, but the dark hued wolfess managed to find a confortable position, untangling her tail from her skirt and pulling it on the upper part of her tights. Holding the lock of Strawberry's mane between her hands, she looked at Liliana. "I'm up. What do i do now?" Climbing up the horse, done. But she still had no idea how to lead it. Maybe it obeyed spoken orders? Whatever was needed to be done, she felt quite nervous about it.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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