stars won't ever wait for you to watch them fall.
@_@ This weekend was chaotic.

It was too bad none of his pets were acquired through such altruistic means; it made for a better story. (It certainly sounded endearing when Samantha told it, at least.) But both the snails–which were largely left to roam the greenhouse unfettered these days–and the horse–who, once construction was complete, would be free to do about the same (only around town instead of the greenhouse, of course)–were purchased 'goods'... and exotic goods, at that.

Luck was on the earth-toned male's side when he did those dealings, and truthfully, Barrett didn't realise the extent of it. If Sedge's cart hadn't broken down, the wolf wouldn't have held as much bargaining power; the trader would've been forced to sacrifice his wares without the boy's assistance, so it was in his best interest to be 'generous.' The loner wouldn't have had his labour to offer, either; likely nothing he possessed at the time would entice the aristocratic 'yote to fork over the rare Dyakia and a hearty scoop of poppy seeds.

Similarly, if Slash hadn't been looking to unload the stolen Norwegian import ASAP, Barry probably would have needed twice as much as he had on hand to pay for the horse. Speaking of which–Ah, that's Jøren. The animal apparently heard him, even from up on the rooftop, for he flicked his ears in response. He didn't lift his head, however, and continued to graze. That's cool you've gained her trust like that, he added in regards to the tiny otter, who was distractedly investigating his things. Jøren was already tame when I got 'im, he elaborated. The beast was bred from several generations of domesticated horses, actually. (Worth twice what he had on hand? Try quadruple.)

Barry's ears twitched softly, too, as she placed the bottle of vodka down between them. His tail thumped several times absent-mindedly; Samantha was certainly the agreeable sort. Youthful, content, free-spirited, pretty–those were his favourite qualities in company. He watched the movements of her slender fingers as she dexterously rolled another joint, then blinked when she spoke; it seemed to snap him out of a trance. Mm? Oh, yeah. A stable for Jøren, in fact; think the basement will double as a root cellar... I'mma start growing wheat and potatoes, got a still set up in the building out back there, he indicated with a jerk of his thumb. For plenty of this on tap, he explained with a grin, sloshing the clear liquid around inside the bottle. And that was just the beginning of his grand plans, but he didn't want to bore her with details if she was uninterested.

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