Am I ready to go?
Shiloh had left the house that night when Saxif had left and went to the stables with her covers and happiness in her heart. She missed Katelyn horribly and she knew she owed her horse part of her life for keeping her warm. She had entered the stables to much nickering and happy clops but it was the grey and white dappled mare she was more happy to feel and be with. Only her horse understood her emotions and didn't judge her. She went to her pin and opened it before going in and latching it again. It wasn't as big as AniWaya's stables but she knew it would work. As Katelyn nudged her she let her tears flow freely and letting her horse calm her. Katelyn just knew and laid down so Shiloh could lay with her. Soon the grey woman and her mare were asleep without much said. Shiloh had taken the pouch Kyra had slept in and found that Kyra had left. She took off her necklace that Saxif insisted she wear and put it in the pouch. She just couldn't find it in herself to wear it anymore. Not with knowing that she was losing Saxif's love for her. It had been the first night since she had got there that she didn't have nightmares and she knew she would be staying with Katelyn from now on.

Shiloh had awoken from her slumber with Katelyn by the happy nickers of the horses again. Someone was in the stables. She shifted to her secui form before opening the latch and running at the person that just so happened to be right across from her. She jumped on said person and knocked the stranger down and pinning them to the ground. She bared her teeth and growled low in her throat before noticing who it was. "O...Or..Orin.... I... I am so," she stuttered before getting off her. She pulled back and went to the other side of the stables by Katelyn who touched her face softly.

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