as wine is to friends

Word Count :: +3 Sorry about the short post. I'm multitasking.

He felt a look of content show itself upon his face. He did not quite understand what the lady had meant by "signal", but her words comforted him. She seemed remarkably strong. If she had been a slave and had gotten through that, she was already far stronger than he would ever be. He felt sudden admiration for the dog. He wondered what she had gone through to get this far. His life sure seemed easy now, given even what little he knew of hers.

"You sweet. I like... houses. Wanna live with this girl, Lovi. 'Til you build. Sweet." Despite his grammar, the raccoon spoke confidently. He had always been rather headstrong. He was rather proud of his ability to speak some High Speech, when most canines found it hard to learn Low Speech. He gently pressed his nose against her hand, one of his favorite ways to show affection.

Loviere couldn't help but chuckle at the honest ways of his little animal friend. He would have blushed, had he not been so focused on the girl. His golden eyes fell upon her stump of a tail. His eyes widened as he wondered if this was another mark of slavery. Had she been born without a tail, or had it been cut off? He dared not ask, but looked back to her eyes. "I would love a bit of help, definitely."

He wondered what she meant by offering help, but he did not wish to make her speak any more than she was comfortable with saying. He picked up the cross he had been working on with his free hand and looked at it thoughtfully. He was half-tempted to give it to the lady, but he felt she deserved something better than a simple thing that he didn't even understand. He sighed softly, suddenly unsure of himself. What was he doing, after all?

table by the Mentors!

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