I was on my way to the center of the sun

WC: 486.

An appalling look graced her pure colored face, afraid of what the male would think of her and her stoat. She was more afraid of the voice she directed at her companion, a forceful voice that was much unlike herself. A fear that tears would spill further frustrated her, and before a few could fall and steak her cheeks she brushed them vigorously away with a hand. His forgiveness was quick, and he looked like he felt at fault, but all Giselle could think was that her first impression was ruined, having exploded in tumult and chaos all at once. Again she shook her head, feeling as apologetic and sorrowful as he in that moment. "I hope he didn't harm you." Eyes moved down to the stoat at her feet, who still kept an eye on the stranger before them, small round ears set back on his dark head.

"Oh, no, I'm fine~" Giselle nodded, and smiled tentatively at the dark male. Her stomach was in knots when she looked at the shadowy man, but she had to rid the silly notion of wickedness from her mind. His dark, dazzling blue eyes were kind enough, she convinced herself. She had once thought the same cruelty to come of Savina, but she was a kind and strong woman, so why not for this dark Dreamer, too? Pushing stray hairs away from her face, her smile was replaced with a look of horror, as 'Elle scanned the floor for the book that had flung from her arms in the fall. "Oh no, my book. It's around here somewhere.." And with a squeak, Tux moved like gentle flowing water upon the ground, and stood on his two back legs upon finding the open book, with an expression that said he was proud to have found it.

Swiftly, she stooped to pick it up as the stoat leaped off of it, cradling it as she wiped the dust off of it. Stepping forward, she looked back at the man, clutching the item to her chest as if afraid it would fall again. "Who is your sister? I bet she's lovely," she remarked without knowing the female's name, but curious all the same to know. But in Giselle's mind, she tended to hurts, and briefly wondered if the woman could cure emotional damage as easily as a cut on the arm. Nearly forgetting herself, she shifted the book to the crook of her arm as she extended another out towards him. "I'm Giselle," came her soft voice, with a smile to match. "And this is my brave friend, Tux." The young woman glanced down at him briefly, sitting by her feet warily. "I.. I hope he didn't harm you, he was just being protective." Giselle chewed on her lip, feeling the need to apologize for the animal's actions, hoping against hope she would not make an enemy out of this ordeal.

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