Of Deer and Ichika

OOC here!

She wondered if it would show that she was unused to these types of events. Wretch had only ever been to one or two pack meetings, some of them having occurred on the road between Dahlia de Mai and these new lands...so she wasn't sure how to react to some of what was going on around her. She wanted to force herself to be friendly and to bring her eyes up from the ground, but she couldn't seem to do so. They were stuck on a clump of grass that stood up from the rest of the turf around it, a few pieces clustered around a small yellow flower. Wretch took a few deep breaths are more canines approached, some seeming just as anxious about the hunt as she was. She wasn't as afraid of the actual hunt as she was of talking to the canines around her. Hunting was something that she needed practice at, and this would help with that.

The young adult listened as the lead canine introduced himself, a few others following suit. She cleared her throat, taking a few moments to sum up her will before opening her mouth. "I'm Wretch. I'm an Antei...I know the lay of the land and what areas need help in the regrowth process" She volunteered. "I've never been in a group hunt..I might need a little direction." She continued, admitting the thought aloud and looking about at the others. "I broke my leg twice..but it's all healed up now so I can get back to business"

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr

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