Small Fry Fighter
All i got to say is WOAH.

Shiloh shifted to her optime form. "ALL YOU EVER DO IS LEAVE ME! I AM FIGHTING NOT JUST FOR MYSELF BUT FOR YOU! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE I STILL LOVE YOU! I still love you Saxif. I just can't handle being this weak helpless female anymore. You say I have changed but look at you. Who has changed more? I can control Kavi but you... you let your anger and fear get the best of you and you run from me. I can see it in your eyes, I can smell it on your fur when you try to be around me. Can you even honestly tell me to my face that you love me? Because the more your not around the more I fear I have lost you. I am not Kavi. I am the woman you fell in love with at the boarders of AniWaya. I am still the woman who's heart is tied around your neck. You just won't let me love you. Leave if you want Saxif but like I said before kill me if you can't love me because I can't live without you," Shiloh said looking up at Saxif with as much hurt and loss as she knew Saxif felt.

Shiloh felt her anger turn to hurt, hurt she felt every time her mate was away from her, every moment she didn't feel her love. She knew Saxif was and had given up on her because Kavi couldn't keep her mouth shut. She was slowly getting rid of Kavi for Saxif but Saxif wouldn't see that. She wouldn't notice that Shiloh too had nightmares and longed for things to go back the way they were before she was beaten. Shiloh looked down as she cried. Saxif couldn't love her anymore. Maybe leaving her was for the best. If Saxif didn't kill her herself she would find a way to kill herself. She couldn't live with know she had lost the only person that made her whole, that completed her. "I am so sorry I am not stronger then you want me to be. But I thought you had more confidence in me," she whispered before turning and starting to leave. She paused, her hand going to her neck, clutching the fox that resided there. She pulled it off and walked over to Saxif.
"Till you can love me again," she whispered handing Saxif the necklace before turning as starting to leave again, this time she wouldn't stop her tears or hid her pain. Her heart called for Saxif but her soul was lost as she attempted to leave the woman she loved.

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