I was a little girl alone in my little world

Mind if we close this soon and have another? I'm hoping to get re-inspired with Wretch and get some new plots with her <3

"I just like Cerne Rise. I think you two should live there, too - you can always wander...but I think it's nice to have someplace to call home that you can go back to" She said, sharing her opinion with the other canine. Wretch wasn't one to speak her mind or speak out against something, really, but she had a good life in Cerne Rise with her father and family. She felt almost certain that the other would enjoy living there just as much as she did. Surrounded by people who cared in a place scattered with flowers with life abound. What a wonderful and beautiful place that she got to live in.

"What are some of your favorite things to collect?" She inquired, trying to keep their conversation going. "And I appreciate you helping me today. If I can ever help you out, or my father Saul...just let me know." She would try and see if Saul would be open to such a thing - giving someone else assistance in return for a canine helping her on this day. "My apartment has a lot of space...I keep plants and flowers and grow them inside so I can replant them outside"

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr

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