The other side of sanity

WC:500+ - <3

The male was thrilled to welcome her into the house of Rendall and him-self. Yes it might have started out as his house, but the male was ever so willing and ever so happy to turn the whole house and all the belonging over to her, it was after all the only gift he really could give her to show her just how much he dose care about her. The dapple grey male looked down at the female stomach giving her a wink”Temo pinned you?” The male winked at her and then he start to give his head giving a playful clicking sound of his tongue as he shook his head, to her. He shook his head again with a laugh.

Rendall had been the medication that he needed, she had brought him out of his bitter moods and the want to let the days slip away while he slumbered, while the nights he spent with his eyes up to the night sky. More often than not he was looking up to the stars and thinking of how other then the stars in the night sky he had no one. Everyone seemed to be paired off with someone they love. The male felt like he was all alone, and at that time of his life. Yes sure, he was. Thought he stars showed the love they had for the male that watched them. Bring him back Rendall, the female that seemed to have just as many scars as he did, though most of her’s was on the inside, as to his where mostly visible.

”You too!” He spoke as he bowed down to her. He stood there for a few seconds keeping his head down, showing her the proper respect that she had earned though all of her hard works that she had done for the pack. The male knew that she probably didn’t expect it at this point in time; however she was a lady with children and need to be treated with great honor and respect. The male bought his body up as he looked down at her stomach; he was so excited to see that someone from the Valley was having a litter of pups. Noah figured everything would be fine with her, just as so long if she didn’t decide to name any of the pups after his father.

”You’ve meet her.” The male gave a soft sigh thinking of the lady, yes. It was official; he was utterly head over heels love sick for the lady. ”Rendall…” He whispered with a smile upon his face as his tail shook side to side, like a child’s when they are so excited to its parents. It was like he had a secret and did not want to share her with anyone. Not because he was worried that they would take her, he would lay his life down for her in less than a heartbeat. It was more because, he was happy and he did not want anyone or anything taking away that one thing that was making him so happy.

Image courtesy of SantiMB .@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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