[M] white knight in shining armor.

Word Count → 310 :: All is good. :3 I PP'd Alaki too, so no worries. XD I'm starting to reconsider Teo's Tier; he seems to be getting better at being a medic. XD

When Alaki had come bursting into the room they shared, Matteo had almost barked at the boy for being loud and almost waking Camilla. Then he saw what the problem was. The darker, taller mate explained what had happened and the two bickered over Alaki's idea of hunting down the dick that had been responsible for this, though in the end, the girl's need for medical treatment outweighed Matteo's worry for his mate. What harm could it do? It was only a Coyote and Alaki knew how to fight.

So Matteo had taken the girl carefully in his arms (a surprising sight for the thin and slender hybrid, to be carrying someone only a few inches shorter than he) and moved her into the spare room, where he gently settled her into a bed and made sure she didn't move as he examined her injuries.

Oh wait, this is a confusing mess. Let's sort through it, shall we?

Matteo had been sitting home alone, relaxing and recovering from his stressful month. Camilla was napping in the other room, worn out from her various chores and jobs as a Zepar. Alaki had gone out to do... well, Eligos stuff, now that he'd been promoted. That left a silent room with only the 'tick tick' of an old wind-up clock to keep Matteo company.

So when Alaki had burst in with a dead-looking girl in his arms, barking and growling about some mangy coyote or another, Matteo had been shocked and confused.

Now it seemed so foolish to have argued with the younger male at all; this girl was in terrible shape, bitten and broken by more than just a coyote. The ants had done a number on her.

Camilla had woken in the confusion and upon seeing the messed up girl, she'd fled to find the first aid kit. It was a good thing too, because as she came in (a wet cloth and water with her as well as the kit), Matteo was just standing to go and find it. He hadn't even noticed the girl was awake.

He murmured a quick 'thank you' to his sister, then sent her out to find Panda, the only real medic in the pack (though Matteo was starting to feel as if he were one himself lately). She ran off and Matteo returned to his 'patient', gently pressing the damp cloth over her face and washing away the blood and dirt.

Then the girl opened her eyes, pleaded to him in a raspy voice... and then slumped against him. He sucked in a breath, then calmed his nerves just as quickly.

His Italian accent and words made him sound like an angel as he gently leaned her back down.

"Hush, carissimo. You're safe. No one's going to hurt you now." Like a parent talking to a frightened child. "But I need you to lie still for me, okay signorina? I have to clean the grim off of you, find that pretty girl under all that dirt, okay?" He smiled, calm and collected, a drastic change from before. "You'll be okay. You just need to keep still for me."

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