Looks like home, feels like home. Must be home.

Mido seemed pretty pleased to hear about the families around Anathema. Honestly Jackson didn’t know much of what went on beyond their pack’s borders or whether having prominent families in specific areas was a common thing. Aside from Anathema, the only thing he really had to compare it to was the large cult in New Brunswick. There had been a mish-mash of peoples there and a concept of free love that essentially made them all family one way or another. But the few months the boy had spent there before following his father down south were already blurring in his memories. It wasn’t really much to go on, and he wasn’t sure how much of those foggy memories he could trust. Maybe it was a common thing, if Mido was asking about it?

The boy listened intently as the older male spoke in turn about his own family. Lots of relatives, but a few that more important than the others. And then there was absent daddy. “Ah, sorry about your dad, man.” The way Mido spoke about his dad and the way it almost seemed to put him on edge indicated to the hybrid boy that it was a touchy subject. While Jackson hadn’t been outright abandoned, he could relate, in a way. “I know what it’s like bein’ raised by one parent. My ma died when I was real little.” Killed, really, from what he was told. He didn’t know all that much about what had happened, except that it had been what spurred Ravesque to relocate out here. He had been too young at the time to really understand what had been going on, and asking about it now just seemed… pointless. He could barely even remember what Cinder looked like now. What would be the point in finding out the specifics of her death?


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