[M] white knight in shining armor.

Word Count :: 505 o...o i love this post.

The room was scary in its darkness and she was sure that there were forms moving in the corners, creeping closer, growling and gnashing their nonexistent teeth, ready to snatch her up and go through with the horrible dream that was still fresh in her mind. She began shaking harder, her limbs spasming and twitching every now and then from tight muscles, causing her to lash out at the shadows that she felt were closing in on her and the white man. Nose twitching, she tried to take in the scents and remember them, thinking back to make sure that she’d smelled them already and that no one had snuck into the room while she’d slept. The only creatures she could smell was her savior, the angel and the little one. But…the crow that had distracted the coyote from ripping her apart was there too, and something else, perhaps a rodent of some sort? An eclectic crew this was.

Her hands lifted and covered her face, ignoring the pain that came from the ant bites around her eyes and ears. She refused to open her eyes again, not wanting to see the monsters trying to get at her from the blackness. Behind the eyelids was black too, though, and now she was staring at him, at them. The two who laughed and cackled as they touched her, as they lapped at her blood and encouraged the ants to eat her alive…She jerked her hands away from her face and curled up tighter, turning her head to the side so she could stare at the faint outline of the angel as he slept. He would keep the monsters away from her, right? Her body began to relax and settle down, muscles slowly unlocking and the pain lessening a great deal. Still she didn’t close her eyes, not wanting to see anything bad anymore, it was way too scary.

A sharp gasp was torn from her throat as the angel sat up in bed, soft little crying noises shaking through his throat. Her body pulled back at the fast movement and she slipped off the bed, lying on the cold stone ground as she watched him, shaking nervously. What if he saw her and was angry that she’d moved to his room? When he curled up and started crying harder, she shook her head and got closer again, crawling up the bed on her hands and knees. Soft whines left her throat with each inch she moved, both of fear and sorrow. The girl desperately wanted to find out what was wrong with her angel, why was he crying and smelling of fear? Had the shadow monsters hurt him while she wasn’t looking?! Tawny’s head snapped up at that thought and she snarled at the darkness, getting closer to him quickly and leaning her body against his. ”I protect you, Angel. No be scared…anymore.” Her voice was soft and raspy and broke a few times, but the rumbling, protective growl in her chest was unwavering.

Image courtesy of krystian_o@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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