[M] white knight in shining armor.

Word Count :: 383 i fucking love them xD.

Despite her body being smaller than his, the young woman curled herself around the man and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him to her body. His cries and whispered words cut into her heart and made her feel angry and so sad at the same time. Who would dare hurt such an angelic man as this?! Whoever it was had to be evil. The vilest of creatures, and she was determined to protect him from those horrors, at least as much as she possibly could. Still growling softly, her small hands began stroking through the fur on his head and neck. She could feel the ridged lines in his flesh from scarred tissue, but thought nothing of it. Soon her wounds would heal and she’d be covered in more scars as well. There would be no judgment passed by her, not ever, for what someone looked like, because she knew that her own body was much less than beautiful.

Still holding onto him tightly, she slowly sank down until they were both curled on the bed in laying positions. The angel’s face was pressed against her chest, his breathing still a little bit quick and shaky, but starting to calm down. The stroking of his fur continued and she made soft little shushing and cooing noises in her throat, trying to comfort him. Saul had done this for her that time that she’d sliced her hands up and then had a panic attack. He had held her while she cried and then made sure that she was bandaged up and healthy. Angel had done this for her, he had begun the healing process on her many wounds and made sure she was safe from any more physical threats, within his home. Of course, the warrior had brought her here, and she would be sure to show him equal honor when he returned…if he returned.

Tawny tilted her head down and pressed her nose to the male’s head, breathing him in as she eyed the shadows, glaring at anything that she thought might have been moving. The pain and shock from her ordeal was still affecting her body and mind, making her think a lot of things that weren’t real. ”I n-no leave you. M-monsters no get you, no more.”

Image courtesy of krystian_o@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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