Out of Sync

maybe you don't want me choosing names for our pups :p | +211

"Yes, they need names," he nodded his agreement and thought for a few moments. With a sparkle in his eye and a grin on his muzzle, "We could call them Guess, Who and Why. Just think of the fun we can have confusing people when they ask their names." he said jokingly trying to bring a smile to her muzzle.

It was then that the miracle of birth happened and their little family of horses grew from two to three. Temo stood with Jace while they watched the mare clean the amniotic fluid off of the foal while the foal worked at getting it's legs under itself. It was a beautiful and humorous sight watching the foal wobble on it's long spindly legs and attempt at taking it's first steps.

"Strong like his mommy and daddy." He said to Jace quietly as they watched the foal take a few shaky steps. When the foal finally made it's way down the side of the mare and nosed up under her and started suckling, Temo continued in a quiet voice so as not to disturb the moment to much. "I think the foal has the right idea, lets go inside and have a proper meal. I'm sure everything will be fine now."

Image courtesy of randompointoflife@Flickr

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