another sacrifice will make us pure

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; 500 words

The Symera lacked all of the skills of the older pack members but she had drive. She had the will and want to prove herself to everyone else. She didn't have the expertise in fighting or tracking or any of that but she could at least recognize when an individual was paying an exorbitant amount of attention to the borders. That was exactly what she had happened to spot. There was a lone figure skirting about the borders and Symmy had no clue at all who it was. She had no idea what they were looking for or anything of the such. In her mind it was probably the stinky that was causing such havoc to the clan. The one that was playing all of the mean and nasty tricks that kept on getting others hurt.

Eventually the small girl got tired of just watching and moved her optime shifted form out past the borders in order to intercept the figure that she had spotted in the distance. "What are you doing?" The runt found herself raising her voice in order to call out to the individual. She was a scent based creature rather than visual. She didn't take in outer appearance but focused on the scents alone to tell her what the individual was. What she got was a confusion she had come to accept as being almost normal. It was a strange scent that she was unable to place, one that seemed to cling to most everyone in Inferni. So scent alone had her changing her mind about what the other female's assumed intentions were. Heck, for all she knew the other could even belong to Inferni.

"Why are you all the way out here and not at home?" The question was posed under the assumption that this female belonged to Inferni as well. "Are you hunting stinkies? I can help you." After all she already had her first skull before she could ever shift. Now that she could she would just have to gain the skill set in order to be able to procure another, but this time all on her own. She couldn't wait for that. She couldn't wait for her first solo hunt so she could bring back a skull to show off to Halo. She couldn't wait to see the look on her caretaker's face and the praise that the young girl assumed would come with it.

"Stinkies are mean so you need to be careful." Was it weird that someone so young was giving advice out to someone older than herself? But then again Symera hadn't been the rambunctious and happy pup for so long. She had experienced one tragedy after another when she was so young that she already had a jaded spirit. Not to mention was constantly having to prove herself to her larger brothers. So she knew all about the unfairness in life and hadn't exactly allowed for her to have what most would consider to be a normal puphood.

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